I have a great memory for unremarkable extranea - but sometimes common sense memory fails me! I put some eggs on to hardboil, sat down in the living room to think what I could do for the 15 minutes the eggs would be cooking...got up to exit out the front door to find the kitchen stove blazing merrily away! An 8 inch tall fire in the egg pot burner and it was threatening my prescious White Trash Cookin' cookbook! I grabbed for it (and later found I had singed all my eyelashes off! or anyway , most of them) - and instantly realized I had "lent" my kitchen fire extinguisher to a friend making a long car journey with four Borzoi on board and had failed to replace it!
So I (dis) remembered one uses flour to suffocate a fire? NOT! It BURNED - disseminating various shades of floating brown, beige, white flour dust throughout the house - I clapped the pot lid on the burner - thinking also of suffocating it - but of course, it just pulled air from the other three burners! So mad dash out to the car - grabbed its fire extinguisher - pulled the pin - aimed it right - and the fire finally went out. Then I was left with the clean up job - finding flour mist on EVERYTHING in the house including my gargantuan house plants! Didn't plan to spend the day giving baths to my house plants.
The odd thing - I can find the pin I pulled off the fire extinguisher but I can't find the fire extingusher itself...so I guess I was a little more distracted by the fire and resultant mess to remember where I put the thing. It will turn up, probably with one of the Ukrainians chewing on it! They have a penchant for same...
I decided to remove the lichen covered bridal wreath bushes in the iris garden, have been there some 20 years and are unsightly...in their place, I planned to put raised boxes of 2 x 8's and plant various species of lavenders...the bloody deer don't eat lavenders. So, morning kennel chores done, I carted the lumber, nails etc to the iris garden and then let Koko and Kadril' out to "help" Mom. Except they carried off my hammer! This solid metal thing with rubber covering! I didn't see where they went with the thing and time was a-wastin', so got another hammer and proceeded with the project...Koko and Kadril' tired of romping and sniffing, settled for a snooze on the doggy bed in the iris garden, innocent little puppies wouldn't tell me where they hid the hammer.
I found it days later, half buried out by the lilacs, rubber coating 1/3 removed! (The Ukrainians photos at latest costume class are attached - they were 5 months old!)

My Little Angel

My Little Jester